Greetings to all. With this blog I will be attempting to share with you my creation, The Republic of Ansdale. The Republic has been in development for quite a while. It originally formed back during a boring English Class in high school, and continued to gain steam in college. During my college years I took the movie/miniseries route, and from then on tried to create a series of screenplays. Tried to isn't the right word. I did write two screenplays and was in the midst of starting a third when things took another U-Turn.
I also happen to be a Apple Convert (RIP Steve Jobs). When listening to the Macworld Podcast one day I learned about NANOWRIMO (for the acronymically challenged out there, that's National Novel Writing Month). The idea to turn the Republic into a novel was born. After all, Hollywood was a tough nut to crack. It's got to be easier to write an e-novel, right? Anyway, that is the plan. The story is bigger than one novel of course. It will be a continuing story.
Let me back up a little. History was my favorite subject in High School. On the World History stage I rarely got lower than a B. When it came to American History, I rarely got lower than an A. The Civil War was, and is still, my favorite area of American History. Those years have defined our country. Some similarities can be downright scary. Do you ever wonder why the Civil War and the Civil Rights era were almost exactly 100 years apart. And the Presidents during both were assassinated.
The Civil War led to the period known as "Reconstruction", where the "Radical" Republicans disregarded Lincoln's wishes to "Bind up the nation's wounds" and instead decided to make the South Pay for its crimes. It's probably one of the few times I will blame the Republicans for anything, but who else was there to blame. They controlled Congress, and the Confederacy was 100% Democrat. So there. Reconstruction created a festering hostility that gave birth to such things such as the Klan. I think the period is pretty well settled to be a mistake.
Around the same time as reconstruction we also had the western expansion. Alaska was bought from Russia in 1867 and promptly ignored and left in a state of anarchy. The time was ripe for another war, this time in the west, and thus The Republic of Ansdale was born.
I will be introducing you to the members of the Republic as the days go on, as well as giving you some insight as to how I go about it. Not to bog you down in 1870's America, I may also give insight into my other Work in Progress, and introduce you to Lioness.
Welcome To The Republic. Your Passport has been approved. Enjoy Your Stay.
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