A History of The Ansdale Rebellion


  • March 30 - Russia sells Alaska to the United States for $7,200,000
  • May 28 - Alaska Treaty is ratified by the United States Senate. Senator Charles Sumner prophesies of its Statehood (NOTE: Three decades will pass before the purchase is recognized as having legally incorporated Alaska into the body of the United States as one of its territories)
  • October 18 - Transfer Ceremony at Sitka
  • October 20 - General John Lee Anderson dispatches Major James Davis and Major Daniel Graywolf to Sitka to establish an "observation post"
  • October 21 - Thomas Murphy declared "Head of Government" at meeting of Sitka Town Meeting
  • October 24 - Second Town Meeting of Sitka. Thomas Murphy removed from office.
  • October 29 - Brevet Major General Jefferson Columbus Davis, 23rd Infantry, assumes command of the Military District of Alaska. Martial Law imposed.
  • November 25 - First Municipal Election at Sitka, William S. Dodge elected Mayor.
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  • March 18 - Military District of Alaska becomes the Department of Alaska. Five forts are established. The District of Kenay is also established under Brevet Colonel Edward B. Williston, 2nd Artillery.
  • March 22 - Fort Sitka officially dedicated
  • July 4 - The first 4th of July Celebration held in Alaska. William S. Dodge is "Orator of The Day". Joseph Lugebil addresses the few Russians who remain.
  • July 27 - Customs Act of 1868 extends over Alaska the United States laws regarding customs, commerce and navigation and prohibited the sale, importation and use of firearms and distilled liquors, and provided that the offenders be prosecuted in any U.S. District Court of California, Oregon or the Territory of Washington.


  • January 1 - "The Incident". A slight insult between the United States Army and Cholchecka, a Chilkat Indian Chief. The situation quickly escalates into a war between the Army and three Indian Nations (Chilkat, Sitka and Kake)
  • June 1 - General George H. Thomas succeeds Gen. Henry W. Halleck as Commander of the Military Division of the Pacific.
  • July 31 - William H. Seward, former U.S. Secretary of State under Lincoln and Johnson, and responsible for the purchase from Russia, visits Alaska for the only time.
  • October 18 - The two year anniversary of the Alaska Purchase finds residents demanding that Congress form a Territorial Government in Alaska.


  • March 28 - General Thomas dies
  • June 1 - Jefferson C. Davis replaced as Military Governor of Alaska by Brevet Colonel George K. Brady. Department of Alaska dismantled.
  • June 1 - Fort Bering Navy Yard dedicated on St. Lawrence Island in the Arctic. It is the second post of Anderson's command in the former Russian America. Lieutenant-Commander Michael Hunter is the Commanding Officer.
  • August 26 - Jefferson C. Davis sails from Sitka for San Francisco


  • February 18 - Sitka City Council holds its last meeting and disbands.
  • April 15 - Fort Alaska dedicated in the Fairbanks area. Major Michael Barrone installed as Commanding Officer.


  • March 31- Leah Marie Quantrill arrives in Cheyenne, Wyoming using the alias of Leah Hart. Launches scheme to join the United States Army at Fort Shoshone.
  • April 7 - Major James Davis, commander of Fort Sitka, calls for an emergency meeting of all of General Anderson's District Commanders.
  • April 8 - Leah Quantrill enlists in the army at Fort Shoshone. Following a marksmanship test, which she passes with flying colors, she is commissioned Second Lieutenant Leah Hart, US Army, Territorial Police, by Major Kenneth Mark Bassett, CO at Fort Shoshone.
  • April 22 - When her true identity is discovered, Second Lieutenant Hart deserts. She is re-commissioned five days later as Leah Quantrill.
  • May 1 - Citizens of Sitka gather at Northern Lights Hall. A vote of 198-2 in favor of forming the Republic of Alaska takes place. Aleksander Chesnikov is elected Governor of the new republic on a voice vote.
  • May 1 - Commanders of the Military Districts under General Anderson meet at Fort Sitka. A vote is taken to form a new government called the Republic of Ansdale. It is approved 11-0. Major James Davis is appointed interim Prime Minister.
  • May 1 - Republican Troops seize Fort Tongass, Fort Wrangell, and Baranov's Castle. Other troops occupy the abandoned forts Fort Kenai and St. Paul's Island and Fort Kodiak. Captain John B. Campbell, Military Governor of Alaska, is arrested and detained at Fort Sitka. An arrest warrant is sworn against Jefferson C. Davis.
  • May 2 - The Republic of Ansdale is is officially inaugurated at a ceremony at Sitka. A Declaration of Independence entitled "A Proclamation to The People of The West" is officially adopted by citizens at Northern Lights Hall that evening.
  • May 7 - Nevada becomes the first State west of the Mississippi to Secede from The Union.
  • May 8 - President Ulysses S. Grant meets with his cabinet in Emergency Session to determine a course of action regarding Nevada and the newly proclaimed Republic of Ansdale. After careful deliberation it is decided to take no military action against Nevada and to invite the Republic of Ansdale to a Peace Conference.
  • May 9 - Iowa secedes from the Union, giving the Republic access to the Mississippi River and the Ansdale or Missouri River.
  • May 12 - The 28th Iowa seizes the U.S. Arsenal at Rock Island on the Mississippi River, Due to the fact that it is only guarded by a small caretaker force it is surrendered without a shot.
  • May 12 - Texas secedes from the United States and proclaims itself , for the third time in its history, The Republic of Texas.
  • May 14 - Governor Cushman K. Davis of Minnesota calls for the election of delegates to an assembly to decide the State's relation as to secession.
  • May 20 - First Washington peace conference begins. After letters of introduction are accepted, Republican ambassadors demand the United States relinquish control of all lands, armories, mints, Indian Reservations, and military garrisons west of the Mississippi River.
  • May 22 - Agents of the Republic of Ansdale purchase the steamer Santa Ana at Galveston and convert it to a cruiser.
  • May 23 - Peace conference adjourns with the republic gaining control of all Indian Reservations but no other concessions. Representatives from both sides agree to a second meeting.
  • May 24 - Western Executives meet at the hastily called Convention of Territorial Governors being convened in Cheyenne. The Governors of Arizona, Colorado, Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Washington and Wyoming are in attendance. New Mexico's governor has declined to attend, citing poor health, but has sent a proxy who is not allowed to vote. The stated agenda: To form a proper response to an impending Civil War caused by the secession of Nevada, Iowa and Texas.
  • May 27 - The forts under the command of General Anderson are officially placed under the command of The Republic of Ansdale. Fort Ansdale is designated the temporary location of the War Department and General Anderson is made provisional Minister Of War. A Golden Uniform is authorized. The military forces of the Republic are organized into three "Armies": The Army of the Plains, The Army of The West, and the Army of The North.
  • May 28 - The Convention of Territorial Governors is given the new agenda of Either supporting the new republic, supporting Washington, or attempting to remain neutral. Governor John Thayer of Wyoming casts his vote with the Republic, and goes further by proclaiming the Independent Republic of Wyoming.
  • June 1 - Dakota Territory proclaims itself "The Sovereign and Independent Republic of Dakota".
  • June 2 - The CTG concludes with a joint declaration of support, vowing support and assistance to the cause of the new republic, and calling on Washington to quickly recognize the existence of the Republic as an independent nation, thereby assuring peaceful co-existence.
  • June 3 - The Minnesota Secession Convention adopts a declaration of secession by a vote of 335-165. Governor Cushman K. Davis affixes his signature.
  • June 6 - Colorado declares itself a free and sovereign republic
  • June 8 - Nebraska secedes from the Union
  • June 9 - Missouri Secedes from the Union, giving the Republic control of the Missouri River at its outlet with the Mississippi.
  • June 10 - President Ulysses S. Grant, in emergency session with his cabinet, orders a Blockade of the Texas coast. It is hoped that the action will scare the new republic, now consisting of Six States, Three Territories and Alaska, to be scared into submission.
  • June 10 - The Republic of Ansdale declares its initial objective: Fort Leavenworth, gateway to the West. The First Republican Cavalry is dispatched to Fort Pawnee in Nebraska, the nearest Republican outpost. 
  • June 11 - Agents of The Republic of Ansdale purchase the British Steamer Lord Nelson in Vancouver. The ship is taken to Fort Bering to retrofit. 
  • June 14 - Second Washington Peace Conference. The ambassadors reiterate  their demands for control of all lands, armories, and mints. They also demand an end to the Texas Blockade.
  • June 15 - The 1st Republican Cavalry arrives at Fort Pawnee, accompanied by two compoanies of the First Wyoming Republican Infantry and on battery of the 1st Republican Artillery. Due to the lack of space at Pawnee, the additional troops (approximately 350 in number), are forced to live in tents on the parade.
  • June 17 - Representatives from the United States, in an attempt to keep peace negotiations on track, cede eight forts: Fort Ripley, MN; Fort Bridger, WY; Fort Kearny, NE; Fort Craig, NM; Fort Rice, ND; Camp Supply, Indian Territory (OK); Fort Richardson, TX; Fort Benton, MT. It is an empty gesture. Four are abandoned or scheduled to be soon. There are three plums in the mix (Benton, Supply, Craig). The gift is accepted by the Republic, but a list of additional forts is submitted: Camp Apache, AZ, Fort Boise, ID; Fort Snelling, MN; Fort Abraham Lincoln, ND; Fort Sill, Indian Territory (OK); Fort Townsend, WA; Camp Brown, WY; Fort Robinson, NE.
  • June 17- Captains Leah Quantrill and Katherine Anderson meet with Thomas Andrew Osborn, the Governor of Kansas. It is a social call with the purpose of asking the Governor to pursue a course of secession for Kansas.
  • June 18- The Second "peace conference" adjourns. The ambassadors of the Republic are disappointed with the results, but they agree to meet again in two months.

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