Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sasparilla at Twilight: Shaken Not Stirred

I don't know if I should be Honored or Terrified. I mean, how accurate can these things be? I'm talking about the site I Write Like, which analyzes your writing against published authors. The first thing I did was take my American Alternative 1870's Western and plug in my prologue into the analyzer That said I write like Ian Fleming.

The Name is Hart, Leah Hart. I freely admit to being a James Bond fan. What guy isn't? I've seen most, if not all of the movies, and have purchased a few of the books in paperback, but I never thought I would have ingested enough to write like him. It's encouraging. I decided to try again.

For my second trial I put in my entire first chapter. It wasn't written in Diary Style, like the prologue was. As expected, I got a different result. What was not even remotely expected was the Author. Stephenie Meyer.

Vampires. Twilight. Teen Angst. And Leah Hart doesn't even show up in the First Chapter. (She's a Sixteen Year Old Redhead Orphan). Like I said, how accurate can these things be.

I think I'll look on the bright side. Stephenie Meyer writes like me. I mean, James Bond was definitely around before me, but not Twilight. Even though I'm not published (YET), my Ideas were in development before hers, obviously, so I don't know what Vampire Trick she's using, but she should stop copying me and write like someone else.

Seriously though, I am who I am and I write the only way I know. If my work comes out like someone I never read in my life, that's only a happy coincidence if some publisher signs me to a contract like the Vampire Queen. I'm not going to try to copy anyone else. It just won't work. Besides, an analyzer should be fun, and for entertainment purposes only. After all, what if, like me, it says you write like someone, who at least from the movie trailers, since I have never read the book, and don't intend to, you think is horrible. It would be extremely discouraging. And I'm having too much fun.

Happy Writing.

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