Monday, December 17, 2012

A "Republican" Primer

That should get some clicks. Now that I have decided to get this blog running and showcase some of my writing, I guess a brief introduction is in order.

Republican doesn't refer to the Republican Party, it refers to The Republic of Ansdale, a nation which encompasses pretty much everything west of the Mississippi River. The nation was proclaimed in 1875, which led to the War of the West, also known as the Second American Civil War. Not as deadly as the first, the second war also was more of a guerilla war, though it did feature automatic weapons (the gatling gun) and torpedo warfare. It lasted twelve years.

Didn't hear about anything about this in school? Didn't think so. What about the Dakota Expedition of 1855? That started everything off during the Pierce administration. Seems that the American Fur Company, of which John Jacob Astor was the head, had made the fort their HQ during the western expansion, but things played out in the trapping world as they do from time to time if you're not careful and so they sold the fort to the US Army, sight unseen, (one of many reasons why people see the term military intelligence as an oxymoron). President Pierce needed someone to lead a combined Military/Civilian expedition into the region and claim it for the United States, since the region was at that time a subject of international contention. Pierce chose John Lee Anderson, a retired Army veteran of the Mexican War. Fort Pierre was a wreck, and was never really used. It was the base around which the settlement was placed, and was replaced by Fort Ansdale three years later.

What's an Ansdale? Long story. Seems like most of my answers bring up more questions. The short answer is they (according to the U.S. Interior Department) are a sub branch of the Sioux or Dakota. The truth is much more interesting.

For a brief primer, I would encourage you to check out my History of The Ansdale Rebellion Page. It is a Chronology of the Story. It should pique your interest.

I welcome all my Triberr friends to this new blog as I try to showcase my writing interests as well as my music interests. My new tribe "Spinning a Tale" is in its infancy, and if you cover music or writing in your blogs, don't be surprised if an invite shows up. I hope you will accept.

An Empire Rises.

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