Amazon Rating: 4.8 Stars (13 reviews)</
"Earth-Sim starts off awesome and just keeps getting even better...Ms. Kerrion
has done an amazing job with her world-building...This is one book that I will find
myself rereading over and over - and one that I will encourage all of my friends to
read."—Cara Drake, Amazon reviewer
When the Silence Ends
Amazon Ratings: 4.6 Stars (9 reviews)</
“Wow! When the Silence Ends is captivating! I laughed, I cried, I could not
put it down. Forget Harry Potter and Twilight…every young adult should read this
book!”—KatRomeo, Amazon reviewer
Seventeen-year old Dee wants nothing more than to help
her twin brother, Dum, break free from the trauma in their childhood and speak
again, but the only person who can help Dum is the alpha empath, Danyael Sabre,
whom the U.S. government considers a terrorist and traitor.
The search for Danyael will lead Dee and Dum from the sheltered protection of
the Mutant Affairs Council and into the violent, gang-controlled heart of Anacostia.
Ensnared by Danyael’s complicated network of friends and enemies, Dee makes
her stand in a political and social war that she is ill equipped to fight. What can one
human, armed only with her wits and pepper spray, do against the super-powered
mutants who dominate the Genetic Revolution?
America, nevertheless, is ripe for transformation. Exhausted by decades of
belligerence between humans and their genetic derivatives--the clones, in vitros,
and mutants--society is on the verge of falling apart or growing up. Dee, with her
sassy attitude and smart mouth, is the unwitting pebble that starts the avalanche of
change. In her quest to help her brother become normal, Dee will finally learn what
it means to be extraordinary.
When the Silence Ends is a Young Adult novel in the award-winning
Double Helix series.
E-books available at Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords
Paperbacks available at Amazon, Amazon UK, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository
span> Grab a copy of When the Silence Ends for only $1.50 at
Smashwords with coupon code FL93Y. Valid until April 15.
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